Theory Hennessy_Milner_Logic

section ‹Hennessy--Milner Logic›

theory Hennessy_Milner_Logic

text ‹
  HML formulas can be the trivial formula, conjunctions, negations and observations of
  possible transitions.
datatype ('a,'i) hml_formula =
| HML_conj 'i set 'i  ('a,'i) hml_conjunct  (AND _ _›)
| HML_obs 'a ('a,'i) hml_formula              (__› [60] 60)
and ('a,'i) hml_conjunct = 
  HML_pos ('a,'i) hml_formula                   (+_› [20] 60)
| HML_neg ('a,'i) hml_formula                   (-_› [20] 60)

context lts

text ‹The model relation›
primrec satisfies :: 's  ('a, 's) hml_formula  bool    (‹_  _› [50, 50] 40)
  and satisfies_conj :: 's  ('a, 's) hml_conjunct  bool 
    (p  HML_true) = True |
    (p  HML_conj I F) = ( i  I. satisfies_conj p (F i)) |
    (p  HML_obs α φ) = ( p'. p α p'  p'  φ) |
    satisfies_conj p (HML_pos φ) = (p  φ) |
    satisfies_conj p (HML_neg φ) = (¬p  φ)

interpretation hml: lts_semantics where satisfies = satisfies
  by unfold_locales
interpretation hml_conj: lts_semantics where satisfies = satisfies_conj
  by unfold_locales

abbreviation hml_entails (infixr "" 60) where hml_entails  hml.entails
abbreviation hml_logical_eq (infix "⇚⇛" 60) where hml_logical_eq  hml.logical_eq

abbreviation hml_conj_entails (infixr "∧⇛" 60) where hml_conj_entails  hml_conj.entails
abbreviation hml_conj_logical_eq (infix "⇚∧⇛" 60) where hml_conj_logical_eq  hml_conj.logical_eq

declare lts_semantics.entails_def[simp]
declare lts_semantics.eq_equality[simp]

abbreviation HML_conj_neg φ  (AND {undefined} (λi. HML_neg φ))
abbreviation HML_conj_pos φ  (AND {undefined} (λi. HML_pos φ))

lemma distinguishes_invertible:
  assumes hml.distinguishes φ p q
  shows hml.distinguishes (HML_conj_neg φ) q p
  using assms by auto

lemma conjunction_wrapping:
  shows p  (HML_conj_pos φ)  p  φ
  by auto

text ‹
  If two states are not HML equivalent then there must be a
  distinguishing formula.
lemma hml_distinctions:
  assumes ¬ hml.equivalent 𝒪 p q
  shows φ. hml.distinguishes φ p q
  using assms distinguishes_invertible
  unfolding hml.equivalent_def hml.preordered_no_distinction
  by blast

